Würth Logistics - Analysis Free Trade Agreements
Save on customs duties - increase your competitiveness
1. Analysis of the articles for sale
We examine the existing data quality, check the tariffing of the articles, and make any necessary corrections. We analyze the level of customs duties for your sales articles in the respective receiving countries with free trade agreements and show you exactly where and how much you can save in terms of customs costs.
* for production operations only
Analysis of the product added value
We determine the applicable list rules in the various free trade agreements for your products. We perform an analysis to determine whether the components and the composition of the products satisfy the list rules and which precursor materials require supply declarations in order to qualify for the special customs arrangements.
2. Analysis of the procurement articles
We analyze the purchasing volume, differentiating between domestic and intra-community procurement and procurement from countries both with and without free trade agreements. We determine the costs associated with providing proofs of origin for the precursor materials and commercial goods for the suppliers, as well as for monitoring purposes and archiving the supply declarations. The comparison then shows you whether this is worth the effort and for which product the costs are likely to exceed any potential customs savings.
3. Master data & print logic
Whether customs tariff numbers, countries of origin, or preference codes – the master data in our system needs to be accurate. We examine the procedures in place for master data acquisition and master data maintenance at your company. If necessary, we then work together with you to develop a new and secure process. We also perform a check to determine whether the customs tariff numbers, countries of origin, and declarations of origin for the products are correctly printed in your export documentation. If necessary, we work with you to draw up a practicable solution.
4. Responsibilities & defining processes
To ensure that the results continue to benefit your company in the long-term, our final step is to examine the organization and procedures currently in place. You require three responsible contacts at your company to handle origins and preferences. When examining the procedures, we check the customs processes currently employed and establish an efficient process for the flow of information between the Procurement, Production, and Sales departments.
Jetzt Beratungstermin vereinbaren
Mit unserer Aufwand-Nutzen-Analyse zeigen wir Ihnen ganz genau, wo und wieviel Potenzial mit den Freihandelsabkommen für Ihre Produkte und Ihre Zielmärkte steckt und wie die Prozesse diese nicht wieder auffressen.
Jetzt Kontakt aufnehmenHotline
Team Switzerland
Telefonnummer: +41 71 421 72 49
Team Germany
Telefonnummer: +49 7940 93792 40