Würth Logistics - Classification of Goods
Dual Use Goods - safely exporting products that are subject to authorization
Is your product included in a list of goods? Can it be delivered to a certain country or does it require an authorization for export? Anyone seeking to maintain an overview of the many different lists, which are also continuously being updated, requires an efficient system. Our experts demonstrate how this works in practice on a daily basis.
1. Preparations
Goods inspections require the correct customs tariff numbers, specifications, or parts lists of the respective products. We examine the master data and check it for plausibility.
2. Classification of goods & intended use
Exports of military goods generally require an authorization. In the case of dual-use goods, the destination country is typically critical in terms of issuing authorization requirements or even a ban. We take a particularly close look at the products considered critical from the perspective of goods inspections. We check your products against the various lists of goods and determine which products in your portfolio are subject to authorization requirements. We show you how to document this information in the master data and help you gain the necessary export authorizations.
Your products may be subject to authorization requirements as a result of their intended use.
3. Sustainable processes – Internal Compliance Program (ICP)
An Internal Compliance Program allows you to stay up-to-date with the regular changes made to the various lists of goods. We work with you on drafting procedures for goods inspections at your company, defining duties, responsibilities, and checkpoints within the process. We obviously also support you in implementing the new process.
Arrange a consultation appointment now
Systematic and well documented goods inspections create security for export processes. Our experts show you how to implement this efficiently at your company.
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Team Switzerland
Telefonnummer: +41 71 421 72 49
Team Germany
Telefonnummer: +49 7940 93792 40