Würth Logistics - Truck Transport
We get your goods to their destination - throughout Europe
You can already benefit from the independence and market expertise of Würth Logistics for regular overland shipments from A to B. Whether partial or full loads, whether two consignments a month or 200 a day – your shipments are organized and coordinated effectively by our dispatch teams. The best service providers for your specific goods and volumes are then used to physically transport them. Throughout Europe. Our Transport Management Platform ensures transparent and efficient procedures here, helping you keep a close eye on all of your consignments, including associated costs.
With Würth Logistics, all customers enjoy the benefits of a key account. Combining freight volumes allows us to negotiate attractive conditions with the transport service providers. We always use specialized providers for the respective volume with the best freight rates and services here. This helps us secure the best possible results for you. We coordinate shipping orders with our Transport Management Platform – via which all customers and service providers are connected to us. No matter how many service providers we use to ensure optimum performance – as «one contact for everything», we can save you time and secure you the best possible results.
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Would you like to have just one contact that organizes the best transport service provider for each shipment and even use various modes of transport? We make this happen.
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Consolidating Consignments at the Europe Hub
At our freight hub, located near the Würth headquarters in Germany, we bundle the Würth Group’s flows of goods for the national subsidiaries throughout Europe. We consolidate partial consignments to create full truck loads and always make optimum use of the freight space available.
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