Würth Logistics - Quick Check Customs
Optimization potential in customs processes - our customs quick check uncovers
At some point, all managers will surely ask themselves the questions: How can I save costs? And is there still any untapped optimization potential within my processes? When it comes to the customs processes required for cross-border goods trading – no matter whether import or export – our experts bring you clarity with regard to customs and foreign trade regulations with the free-of-charge Customs Quick Check.
1. Preparations
So that we can perform the Customs Quick Check efficiently, we use an initial telephone conversation to determine which documents you already have available «as standard» and can therefore be prepared quickly. We focus our efforts on the products and processes with the greatest goods value in purchasing and the greatest revenue in sales. To this end, we ask you to provide us with several delivery notes and accompanying invoices as specimen documents.
2. The Quick Check
We examine the most critical points in your flow of goods. We interview the employees responsible for import and export, and work together to scrutinize the processes. We also perform the tariffing for your products. This is almost always worth the effort, as comments such as «we’ve always done it that way» do not take into account any changes to the product or the supply chain.
We also examine the application of customs processes. When selected correctly, refining processes, transit processes, or the process for temporary use can save both customs costs and sales tax. Finally, we check which countries you use to source your goods and which countries you sell your products to. Do you make use of preferences from free trade agreements? We can show you what you need to do in order to make the whole process worth the effort.
The Customs Quick Check will then be ready within half a day at the latest.
3. Results & proposals for action
At the end of the Customs Quick Check, you will receive a report from us. This shows you very clearly where your customs processes are already working effectively and where there is still room for improvement. Our recommended actions provide an overview of the measures you can use to save hard cash in terms of customs costs and where you can reduce costs with more effectively organized procedures.
Arrange a consultation appointment now
Our Customs Quick Check is a free-of-charge service. Why do we do this? Because we know from practice that the optimization potential with regard to customs and foreign trade is often underestimated. Our objec-tive with the free-of-charge Customs Quick Check is therefore to demonstrate our specialist expertise and establish trust for a successful cooperation with you. Although a cooperation of this kind is then obviously not free-of-charge, we do offer highly competitive prices. Our knowledge comes from practice and the real-world global operations of the Würth Group.
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Team Switzerland
Telefonnummer: +41 71 421 72 49
Team Germany
Telefonnummer: +49 7940 93792 40